My name is Jernelle, I am from Richmond, VA and I am currently engaged to my wonderful fiancé Kashif.
(As of January 2020, you can call her Mrs. Banks!)
I honestly owe a lot of that to Em! I stumbled across Emily’s social media page from one of my friends who reposted something she posted on Instagram. I don’t remember what exactly the post was about but I knew this was someone that I needed to follow. I definitely believe it was a sign from God running across her post.
See at the time, I was heartbroken and fed up with men. But in my heart of hearts, I knew that it was me who needed to make some changes in myself if I really wanted to find the love that I wanted. So, from then on out I was literally hanging on to every post, eBook, paperback book [The Don’t Before I Do] and YouTube video she did about dating God’s way, waiting until marriage to have sex, and becoming a better me before I go jumping into another failed relationship.
One day she posted a contest she was doing on her IG page and I won the contest!! With that contest, I got a free VISA gift card (which really came in handy) and a 1-hour free consultation with her. I felt like I hit the jackpot, a chance to speak with someone I really admired. And wow, she is just as friendly and nice as she is on her videos and IG lives. We had a great talk about my dating habits, my desire to one day be married and changes that I could make within myself to make better choices and to get to the love that I have always dreamed of. She even gave me an Alter Prep plan that gave me even more examples of how to date God’s way and to get me ready for marriage.
From there, in my mind, Emily was my new best friend lol! I would email her at any time if I needed any advice on matters of the heart and she would always email me back with the best advice, which she was always right about. I didn’t even talk to my real-life best friend, I wanted to talk to someone who had already gotten to the level that I was trying to reach. Which ties into how I’m now engaged to my wonderful fiancé.
The first year that Kashif and I were hanging out and just friends, I already knew that I wanted us to be much more than that. I wanted this man to be my future husband because we had so much in common. He was a Godly man and as a bonus, he was following Emily on social media as well. This is probably when I would bug poor Emily the most: “what should I do, how I should act, and am I doing too much? 😂”
For example, Kashif’s birthday was coming up and I wanted to do something nice for him as a “friend” but also to give him a sample of how awesome I would be as his girlfriend, lol. So, I emailed Emily and told her all about my plans. She emailed me back with a very gentle, “That’s nice, but you must remember that he is not your man”.
She told me what to keep, what to ditch and to make sure that I kept it fun, delightful, and not too serious. And that’s exactly what I did, and he had a great time! That was in June of 2018, on July 11, 2018, after bible study he asked me to be his girlfriend!
Then in June 2019, he asked me to marry him! And in January 2020 we are getting married! HA! I could not wait to tell Emily about how her great advice and encouragement help me to find the love that I have always dreamed about.
And it can happen for you too! All you have to do is listen to her and receive the advice that she gives you. I promise you she will not tell you anything wrong. However, you have to be ready in your heart and mind to make the changes needed to get the love that you have been waiting for. I am so glad I did, and I will love and support Emily forever for it!
Jernelle H.