Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the dates and times of the bootcamp?

A: Tuesday 2/21, Wednesday 2/22, and Thursday 2/23. Each night the general session starts promptly at 5:30 PST/7:30 CST and 8:30 EST. The Live Q&A starts immediately following, estimated to end around 8:00 PST/9:00 CST and 10:00 EST.

Q: What if I can’t make it each night, will the trainings be recorded?

A: Yes, each night, the general session and Live Q&A will be streamed and posted immediately after in the Facebook group and on YouTube. The sessions will also be made available via email the following morning.

Q: Is staying for the Live Q&A worth the extra hour?

A: Absolutely! You are invited to get your questions answered in real time by real people. This bootcamp is not just hypothetical. It’s not just teaching - it is meant to be transformative. Come get all of this wisdom!